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Importance of Sharing Company Procedures and Policies with On-Site Contracted Guards

A critical, yet often overlooked aspect of security guard effectiveness is their familiarity with the company's procedures and policies. When contracting guards, it is imperative that they are not only briefed about the physical aspects of their duty but also made aware of the company's internal protocols. This includes understanding emergency procedures, access control policies, and any specific rules or protocols unique to the company.

Having this knowledge enables guards to make informed decisions in real-time and align their actions with the company's overall security strategy. For instance, in the event of an emergency, a guard who is well-versed in the company's evacuation procedures can efficiently manage the situation, guide employees and visitors to safety, and liaise effectively with emergency services.

Moreover, when guards are aware of specific company policies, such as those related to access control or visitor management, they can enforce these policies more effectively, thereby maintaining a secure and compliant environment. This also helps in creating a seamless integration of the guards into the company’s security framework, making them an integral part of the overall safety and security system, rather than just an external addition.

In conclusion, providing guards with comprehensive information about company procedures and policies is not just beneficial—it is essential for a well-rounded and effective security strategy. It empowers guards to perform their duties more effectively, ensuring that they are not just the first line of defense but also a knowledgeable and integrated part of the company's security apparatus.

Drawing from my extensive experience on both sides of the security spectrum, I can't stress enough the critical importance of adequately preparing your guards for potential scenarios they might encounter on your site. Take, for instance, an assignment I had related to workplace violence in a facility with restricted access and minimal guidance on prohibited areas. It's imperative to thoroughly brief your guards on how to handle emergencies and potential threats. Often, guards are required to make swift decisions in fast-paced and evolving situations. The more informed they are about your specific environment and protocols, the better equipped they will be to effectively manage unforeseen circumstances. It is a mistake to operate on assumptions or underestimate the range of situations a guard might face. Always question and evaluate whether your guards have the necessary information and training to respond appropriately to any incident that might arise. Remember, thorough preparation is key to ensuring their readiness for any challenge.

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